While attending the World Series of Fiddling in 1995 at the age of 6, Bubba Hopkins purchased his first fiddle creating a lifetime love for fiddle music. His earliest influences were his grandparents, Moss and Donna Thompson. Those musicians who have most influenced his Texas-style fiddle and guitar backup include Terry Morris, Carl Hopkins, Louis Franklin, Ricky Turpin, Jimmie Don Bates, Wes Westmoreland, Ray Franklin, Rex Gillentine, Bobby Christman, and Anthony Mature. In addition to having placed in the top 10 at both the National Oldtime Fiddlers Championship (Weiser) and the Grand Masters Fiddlers Championship (Nashville), his accomplishments include: 2012 World Champion (Crockett); 2012 Mid-America Champion (Branson); 2013 Texas State Champion (TOTFA); 2011 Mid-America Champion (Branson); 2010 Texas State Champion (TOTFA); 2010 Mid-America Champion (Branson).
While fiddle music is his passion, Bubba continues to prepare for a career outside of music. In 2009, he earned a B.A. in Music Business from Northeastern State University and an A.S. in Accounting from Tulsa Community College and is currently completing undergraduate degree requirements to pursue a doctoral degree in Optometry. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas Old Time Fiddlers Association and lives in Fort Worth, Texas, where he is an ophthalmic technician, teaches private music lessons, transcribes music, and spends time with his fiancé, Julie Morris, and their three cocker spaniels, Pee-Jay, Macaroni, and Buttermilk. Please visit his web site, Hopkins Music, for additional information.